Hand World Congress-abstract submission

Hand World Congress-abstract submission

NEWS DATE: 10 Eylül 2018
1895 Viewed

Dear hand surgery and therapy experts,


Have you heard about the upcoming World Congress in June 2019 in Berlin, Germany?


It combines the international, the European and the German national congress in ONE event.


Be part of it and submit your abstract until 30 September 2018 via http://ifssh-ifsht2019.com/abstracts/


We would be extremely pleased if you can inform your interested colleagues about the congress and the upcoming abstract deadline.  


Thank you for your support.

We’re looking forward to welcoming you in Berlin!

The organizing committee

Jörg van Schoonhoven & Max Haerle & Andreas Eisenschenk & Natascha Weihs




Denise Schuler

Team Conventions

Intercongress GmbH

Ingeborg-Krummer-Schroth-Str. 30
79106 Freiburg


fon +49 761 69699-242

fax +49 761 69699-11



General Manager Diana Kraus

HRB 8375 Place of Jurisdiction Freiburg



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